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Improving Resource Utilisation for the NHS

In response to the pressing need for optimizing resource utilization within the National Health Service (NHS), I undertook a comprehensive diagnostic analysis. The primary objective was to assess the adequacy of current resources and provide actionable insights to enhance operational efficiency



Tools used




Diagnostic Analysis

Data Wrangling

Data Mining

Key Questions Addressed:

  • What is the actual utilisation of resources within the NHS network?

  • Are the current resources sufficient to meet the demand?

  • Is there a need to increase capacity within the NHS network?

  • If current capacity is deemed sufficient, how can utilisation be optimised?

  • What are the primary reasons for missed appointments within the NHS system?

Key Insights

  • Mondays experience the highest appointment volumes, suggesting the need for increased staffing at the beginning of the week.

daily apt.png
  • Appointment attendance rates are lower for same-day bookings, highlighting the importance of an efficient appointment scheduling system.

  • GP services account for the majority of appointments, indicating the need to optimize resource allocation and staffing for this service line.

  • Monthly capacity utilisation reaching a peak of 84% in November 2021, indicating opportunities for improved resource optimisation.

Monthly Utilisation.png


  • Allocate additional staff on Mondays to handle the peak demand

  • Encourage the use of telephone and online appointments to reduce duration and increase attendance rates

  • Enhance the categorisation of healthcare professional types to enable more granular staffing decisions

  • Implement a system to accurately track appointment start and end times for better analysis of resource utilisation

Let's work together ;)

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